Thursday, December 06, 2018

Fasi Woodvale - Halfling Ranger Concepts Cont'd

While waiting for our team to assemble and for our Game Master to get all of the prep work for the upcoming Pathfinder campaign, I did a little bit prep work to nail down Fasi's look. 

I chose one of the previous look concepts, mashed some elements together, and noodled around with some colour concepts. 

While I was letting those colour concepts get voted on, I busied myself with character exploration using expressions and poses. Had a lot of fun thinking about her combat feats in action as well as adding different elements of shipboard life.

Mashed together what I liked from the narrowed down colour concepts and drew up a character turnaround for her.

I'm definitely looking forward to what adventures she'll get into and for drawing the rest of the party!

Interrobangirl Fashion Line-Up

Saw this lovely lady's fashion designs on Twitter and Instagram. With permission, I drew a line-up of characters in some of the clothing choices. It was a fun exercise with character variety! Was pretty much sold when I saw the dress with pockets, to be honest.

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