Saturday, June 05, 2021

Full Body Character Commission: Vania Pokémon Trainer

From the same client who had previously commissioned the Vulpix PokéSona comes Starbright Bunny's Original Character as a Pokémon Trainer. 

I was basically given free reign for poses, outfit style, and colour palette; so I used this commission as a good way of breaking down my method of handling the presentation of each of these elements to a client.

Finished character (full body flat colours commission)

Pose thumbnails and trainer outfit varieties for the client to select their preferences
(Pose E was selected with outfit elements from Pose A and Pose F)

Refined outfit design and colour swatch examples

If you are interested in this sort of commission for your own characters, please look to the Commission Information Page for rules, other examples, and pricing details!

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Quarantine Monthly Challenge

While I typically participate in #MerMay on Instragram as a daily drawing challenge, I happened to start this May in government-mandated quarantine (since I was returning from visiting my boyfriend in the States). As a result, I decided to do a half-month daily, to represent the 14 days during which I was stuck at home. 

As it happens, Adorkastock (who I support on Patreon) had just launched a beta version of their Sketch App which was a wonderful resource for pose references. I took inspiration from a selection of poses, and for some I gathered colour palettes off of Canva to see what sort of masked character designs I could come up with.