Saturday, October 10, 2020

Digital Gift Art

 Some throwback gifts that I haven't posted here before:

Beaglerush fanart for Twitch XCOM streams

Birthday Gift for Selemina of her god character Grief undergoing transformation into Pain.

Storium Secret Santa gift of Periwinkle Nettlecatch; a half-gnome and half halfling pickpocket

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dungeons and Dragons Characters - 5e Fun Campaign

Through plotting with my DM for what is called the "5e Fun Campaign", I joined on late after a story arc and was going to introduce my character within an airship story arc. My lovely DM suggested developing some red herring characters to throw his players for a loop as to which one was ultimately going to join the party.

These four have been a lot of fun to play, voice, and design! While only one will permanently join the main party as a member, there's certainly room for cameos in the future.

In Order of Appearance (in-game):

Lt. Karyme Yuan; tortle hunter ranger (225 yrs.)
Captain of a prototype airship; experienced member of the Briar's Navy; part-time member of the 'Black Ivy' special operations force.

Yesa Autumnbirch; halfling thief rogue (28 yrs.)
Devoted lady's-maid to mining tycoon Lavinia Rendil; covert mission specialist and company 'problem handler'; loves Lavinia like a sister.

Aurtirk Pazana; lizardfolk transmutation wizard (17 yrs.)
Field researcher and monster biologist; experiments with alchemical properties of monster parts for Rarthi Tollex; more than a bit of a wimp.

Saori Chanda; half-orc Way of the Kensei monk (23 yrs.)
Former desert trade caravaner turned bodyguard of an illustrious but trouble-prone member of the Briar Council; weapons prodigy with a strong moral compass.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

On Northern Tides Cast

While the Pathfinder campaign fizzled out due to drama, the cast members were a lot of fun to draw!

2019 Mer-May Digital Pieces

A small selection of the 2019 Mer-May digital drawings, that I created: (Full collection can be found on My Instagram)

Day 14 - Cockpit details (Close-up)

Mermaid version of my Cleric of the Sparrow: Jayme Calderra

Victoria Day

Mermaid Character Creator Inspired by The Sims

(Full collection can be found on My Instagram)