Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Flippable Gestures

Part of our Life Drawing is posing our models in a sequence to imitate key positions of a motion, then we draw each pose as a gesture for 4-5 mins and then timing it.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Pantomime (Hopscotch) Final

Our final assignment for this semester, focusing on body language as well as movement within perspective. Still needs some work, some parts are a bit too quick for my liking, but overall I think it turned out all right.

Critiques encouraged and welcomed wholeheartedly!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Personality Walk (Revised)

Fixed the jiggling Drop Shadow and adjusted the timing on the recoil. Critiques welcome!

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Saga of the Saviours Banquet Wear

In the event that our heroes happen to be (forced) to attend a formal banquet in their honour. Our resident Circle druid doesn't seem too please with the change in fashion.

Based off of medieval and Renaissance up to early Elizabethian styles.